premiere: The Fellowship of the Holland Onion

In the first part of our new series of videoclips The Fellowship of the Holland Onion, we'll see the Holland Onion's epic life story from the very start through the eyes 0f the experienced Dutch onion grower Co van Read more »

Raised on Healthy Marshlands

Holland Onions sprout, grow and flourish best on capillary marshlands. The rise in sea level at the beginning of the geological era, caused a reverse water movement, in which sea clay was deposited in layers of different thickness. Due to the lime deposit, the resulting Read more »

Another Increase in Exports of Holland Onions

The current export season is coming to an end. With 6 weeks to go, the export numbers still are bright green. Things will have to be really strange for the Dutch onion exports not to break the last record of 2021. After the previous season, Read more »
