highest export volumes ever in winter season
The monthly record that was held by the previous export season since October 2014 is in December 2015 beaten and surpassed by 1.369 tons. The past four winter months even showed an increase of no less than 22.6%! The international market for Dutch onions exporters is visibly stronger due to the reliability of the product quality and the relatively low price of the Holland Onion. This strong international position of Dutch onions can be attributed to the powerful and innovative structure of the Dutch onion sector and our unique position in Europe as a ‘sustainable urban delta’.
Sustainability is thus an important leading issue to be dealt with in the next three years during the largest and most comprehensive quality study ever to be deployed. The three areas of concern will be: pest and disease control, quality control and the basic materials and fertilization influences.
After all, it’s of the utmost importance to sustainably provide good, reliable quality, as our international reputation is only as good as the last shipment.